Solar Panels PV Ireland

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Solar Panel Installers Nationwide

ADE Services is a solar panel installation company based in Ireland. Our team of highly qualified and experienced installers offer a comprehensive selection of services with the highest level of quality. We specialize in SEAI certified solar PV systems for residential, agricultural and commercial spaces, enabling our clients to reduce their carbon footprints and save money on energy bills.

In addition to providing top-notch quality workmanship, our professional team will work closely with you to understand your requirements and provide tailored solutions according to individual needs. We operate in counties Tipperary, Clare, Limerick, Galway, Cork, Kerry, Kilkenny, Laois, Offaly, Kildare, Meath & Dublin etc.; allowing us to easily reach all customers. With ADE Services taking care of your solar PV system installation, you can be rest assured that you are getting the best possible service at an affordable price.

Now is the right time to go for solar PV panels with the solar grants available from SEAI. Homeowners, farmers and business owners are eligible to take advantage of these grants, making it more affordable to get solar panels installed in their properties. Our solar panel experts can help you determine the eligibility for a grant and support you through the application process.

SEAI offers generous grants of up to €2,400 for renewable energy systems such as solar. This helps reduce overall cost of ownership on your system, making solar an even more attractive and cost effective option for homeowners, farmers and businesses. Not only do you gain access to free electricity but also enjoy a return on investment over a period of time from reduced bills from your system’s generation capacity.

0% VAT on Solar PV Panels for Domestic Dwellings

The government has agreed to reduce the VAT rate on the supply and installation of solar panels to zero for private dwellings from 1 May 2023. This will result in a significant reduction in the installation cost for households and I believe will encourage more people to avail of this innovative technology.

Irish Government Press Release

Up to €162,600 in grants for non domestic Microgen

Receive government grant aid towards the installation of solar PV for your business, farm, school, community centres, or other non-profit organisation.
The Non-Domestic Microgen Grant (NDMG) provides financial assistance to help businesses and other sectors to install solar PV panels to generate electricity on site. This technology reduces commercial electricity costs and increases security of supply, while enhancing a positive sustainability image. Grant funding is available for systems up to a maximum 1000kWp.


Our Solar PV Services


Residential Solar Panels

Residential PV panels have quickly become one of the most popular forms of renewable energy in Ireland.

Not only providing a renewable source of sustainable power, but also creating reliable financial incentives that are ideal for homeowners looking to make smart investments.

Contact us for more information on Residential Solar Panels.

Commercial Solar Panels

Solar energy is becoming increasingly accessible in Ireland, thanks to the rise of commercial solar panel photovoltaics (PV). Efficient systems are driving down the cost of solar energy, making this a perfect time to invest in PV.

Longterm cost savings have made solar panels a smart choice for commercial enterprises.

Contact us for more information on Commercial Solar Panels.

Agricultural Solar Panels

Ireland is embracing the agricultural solar panel revolution and the potential for PV systems looks limitless.
From powering large farms to smaller operations with less land, taking advantage of what the sun has to offer can drastically reduce energy costs and increase revenue streams using solar panels.

Contact us for more information on Residental Solar Panels.

How Photovoltaic (PV)Solar Panels Work

PV Solar Panels works by capturing sunlight in tiny cells made of semi conductor materials like Silicon.
In the simplest terms, when hit by the photons of light, electrons become released from this semiconductor material, creating an electrical field which is then transferred by metal contacts through wire connections as electrical current that is usable in your home or business.

The impact of these panels are immense with residential homes seeing electricity bill savings up to 80% depending upon usage and sunlight conditions as well as zero emissions for 100% green energy all within a few years reducing payback periods substantially.

Given Ireland’s cloudy weather, ADE Services use panels that can perform powerfully even in diffuse light conditions, that means they’ll produce energy even on grey days with little direct sunlight from the sky. Using this kind of solar energy solution allows customers to take advantage of renewable solar power regardless of location. The installation process is straightforward with an experienced ADE Services installer taking care of everything from measurements to powering up your home or business with clean energy generated from solar panels!

What are the benefits of using an SEAI-approved Solar Panel Installer

The most obvious benefit of using an SEAI-approved solar panel installer is eligibility for a grant from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). This grant could provide up to 40% of the total costs involved in installing your solar panels, making it an attractive option for many homeowners. Furthermore, to qualify as an SEAI-registered installer you must have passed a number of stringent checks, meaning you can expect high quality and properly regulated work.

ADE Services is proud to be an SEAI approved PV solar panel company. Having met all the necessary criteria, SEAI qualified our products and services to a high standard, demonstrating their quality and reliability.

As a registered company, we take great pride in providing our customers with the best products on the market. Our solar panel systems are designed to maximize energy efficiency and cost saving for your home or business. You can trust that when you purchase from ADE Services you’re investing in quality items that have been tested and certified by SEAI-recognized experts.

Our team of experienced professionals are also dedicated to providing outstanding customer service as well as expert advice on matters regarding installation and maintenance of your solar panels. We believe in maintaining transparency with our clients while ensuring they get the output they expect from their system at an affordable cost. With the help of grant funding schemes provided by SEAI, we are able to offer competitive prices that make it easier for more people to benefit from using renewable energy sources like solar panels.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an SEAI-approved Solar panel Installer?

An SEAI Approved Solar Panel Installer is a private company or self-employed person who has been verified by the Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland to meet certain standards for performing solar panel installation. This means that anyone contracting such an installer can be reassured that the work will be carried out competently and responsibly.

The SEAI carries out a number of checks in order to determine if an installer meets their specified standards, as well as on-site inspections of previously completed work in order to verify and audit the quality of the installation. This provides added peace of mind for customers, knowing that they are hiring a reputable and reliable solar panel installation business.

What are the benefits of using an SEAI-approved Solar Panel Installer?

The most obvious benefit of using an SEAI-approved solar panel installer is eligibility for a grant from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). This grant could provide up to 40% of the total costs involved in installing your solar panels, making it an attractive option for many homeowners. Furthermore, to qualify as an SEAI-registered installer you must have passed a number of stringent checks, meaning you can expect high quality and properly regulated work.

It is not just the financial aspect that has been taken care of though – all installers must follow the established code of conduct set out by the SEAI and they undergo regular inspections and tests to ensure that they maintain these standards. In addition, there are specialised training courses that all domestic solar PV installers must undertake before they gain approval from the authority. As such these qualified professionals have extensive knowledge on planning and installation, ensuring their work meets both safety requirements and desired output levels.

ADE Services is an SEAI approved Solar Panel Installer.

What if I do not have sufficient roof space or if my roof is not south-facing?

Carports and canopies are structures that not only provide shade but also have the added benefit of generating green electricity. By adding solar PV panels to these structures, they become dual-purpose and create a sustainable source of energy for both homes and electric vehicles.

These structures are an ideal solution for property owners who want to add a renewable energy source to their property without altering the existing infrastructure. Moreover, by having an integrated charging point for their electric vehicle, they can enjoy the added benefit of free fuel.

By installing solar panels on carports and canopies, users can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment. These structures help to meet the energy needs of the property owner while providing a sheltered environment for their vehicle.

Ground mount P.V systems are a perfect solution for those who do not have adequate roof space to mount solar panels, or for those who want to maximize their large ground area. These types of systems can also be used as a statement to raise awareness about solar energy and its benefits.

The structure of the ground mount P.V system is optimized to generate optimum solar energy with maximum efficiency. Different types of ground mounts are available, including tracking or fixed ground mounts. The selection of the best type of mount depends on a variety of factors, including the geographical location, wind and solar activity, and the layout of the land.

We fit both solar carports and ground mounted systems.

Do I Need a Battery to Store Energy from the Solar Panels?

With the use of a battery, you will be able to directly utilize the generated solar energy even after sunset or when it is cloudy outside. This means that you won’t have to export the extra energy to the grid and can save from additional costs.

You can store additional electricity in your battery until you need it. It could either be used in your home during peak times or sold back to the grid at other times. Batteries are highly efficient because they keep all your appliances running while also allowing you to maximize profits by selling off excess power back to the grid. There is also no worry of electricity going unutilized anymore as it is stored safely and conveniently in a battery until needed.

What is the Best Orientation of Solar Panels?

Orientation of solar panel installation is an important factor for efficient energy generation. Ideally, panels should be oriented between southeast and southwest, so the system receives maximum amounts of sunlight throughout the day. This can also help to minimize shadows created by trees or nearby buildings on the panels. 

How much battery storage does a solar PV system need?

Battery storage is essential for a solar PV system. Determining the size of the overall system depends on multiple factors, including the amount of energy you plan to store and your electricity usage patterns. It’s important to understand that battery storage capacity must also be compatible with any existing solar panels and inverters you already have installed.

When deciding how much storage is needed, a professional should factor in the expected maximum load and duration of electricity used. This will form an idea of how often stored energy needs to be brought into use in order to cover your power demands. A proper solar system setup will enable you to maximize self-consumption while relying less on grid-supplied electricity – allowing you to save more money with every kWh produced from renewables!

Battery storage also helps provide continuous access to clean energy that works 24/7 without breaking down like regular gas-powered units. Plus, added money savings can come from being able to take advantage of time-of-use rates and other tariffs offered by certain utility companies during peak usage hours — ensuring smooth operations for electrical loads even when there are changes in prices per kWh.


How long do solar panels last?

Solar panels are a long-term investment that can contribute significantly to energy cost savings throughout the years. On average, solar panel systems last anywhere between 25 to 30 years, and in some special cases can even last up to 40 years or longer! During this period of use, various components involved such as Inverters, Batteries and Cabling will need to be replaced every 10-15 years while mounting frame systems with original construction should last around the same time. With such low-maintenance involved and an optimally designed installation suited for customers’ needs, switching to clean energy production through solar is no doubt a decision for the ages.

Should I hire a solar panel installer?

The thought of taking the solar plunge can be daunting. Solar Panel installation is no small feat and requires careful planning, preparation and an experienced touch to get it done right. Hiring a professional installer ensures your system is correctly configured in compliance with local regulations and safety standards; it gives you peace of mind that your project is taken care of by someone who is knowledgeable and passionate about their work.

Plus, when you opt for a professional solar panel installer, you not only get the necessary guidance throughout the installation process but also receive tailored system configurations for optimal efficiency, depending on factors such as location, time zone, shade patterns, average power consumption and more. Through this approach, clients can make sure their investments are well worth it by accessing expert advice on sizing & placement combined with long-term support services down the road – something that DIY installations cannot offer unfortunately.

Beyond orientation of solar panels for maximum energy production during the initial setup phases, post-installation maintenance is also key. One way to promote panel longevity is to create custom inspection visits with certified technicians that adhere to national standards while attending to any minor tweaks needed along the way; another benefit being warranty assurance should something go wrong unexpectedly during use.

To sum up: while some may feel tempted to try out their own DIY projects sometimes (and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that!), entrusting your assets over to a qualified professional allows customers to take full advantage of industry knowledge backed-up by reliable guarantees – factors worth considering when it comes down crunching exciting but consequential decisions such as investing in clean energy sources.

ADE Services are an SEAI registered professional solar panel installer.


Will I get paid for electricity generated and sent to the grid?

Keeping up with the renewable energy movement is becoming more and more popular in home and business solutions. With this in mind, many people are beginning to ask if they will be able to get paid for any excess electricity generated through solar panels. The good news is that with February of 2022, legislation has been passed in The Dáil that allows for such a payment. By the end of August of the same year most companies will declare how much they are willing to pay those who send their unused electricity back into the grid. Already the numbers have come out with between 13-20 cents per kWh depending on which company you are associated with when it comes to your electrical needs. This makes solar panels an even more viable solution for those looking for a way to make money from having solar power installed.

Not only does installation and having solar panels provide a way for people to save money on their electrical bills due to no longer having to buy as much electricity, but now they can also generate an income source by sending extra power back into the grid and getting paid for it too! Flogas did come out on top with the highest payout rate of 20c per kWh; making solar energy production an even more lucrative enterprise.

Will solar panels work in the Irish climate?

Are you considering how to save money on electricity bills? Solar panels could be the solution. With just one installation, you can save up to 1 metric tonne of CO2 a year – that’s huge! Plus, the overall energy efficiency is incredibly high. Renewable energy sources such as solar are reliable, efficient and cost-effective.

Using solar power eliminates your dependence on third-party suppliers and grants you freedom as a boss of your own life. From an ecological perspective, this step works wonders too – it reduces carbon footprint significantly. Finally, it’s almost impossible to spend extra money on maintenance because modern solar panels have long service life – 25 to even 40 years in some cases.

However, will solar panels work in the Irish climate? The answer is yes – research shows that Ireland holds tremendous potential for renewable energy sources such as solar panels due to abundant sunlight hours throughout the year. Even with today’s resources and technologies, using solar power has numerous advantages if done correctly. Plus, there is a possibility of getting grants from the government which makes switching to green energy even more profitable!

So why not make this step now? Switch from traditional energy sources and make your own electricity with zero emissions and no extra costs for extensive maintenance – find out about all the possibilities with our help! Do your share by reducing Ireland’s carbon footprint and enjoy all the benefits of having solar panels at home or in your business office with minimal effort.

How does solar energy benefit the environment?

Solar energy is the way of the future, providing a viable alternative to traditional power sources and revolutionizing the way we interact with our environment. By utilizing natural sunlight, this clean form of renewable energy provides sustainable benefits for both individuals and businesses alike. From saving money to dramatically reducing carbon emissions that can lead to climate change, solar power can help us all make a positive impact on the world.

Not only is solar energy free and abundant, but it also results in zero air pollution or water contamination due to its efficient production method. Unless there’s a cloud blocking direct sunlight access, you’re good to go! Plus, if you manage to save up enough electrons in your batteries (often available at no additional cost) then you can even keep your lights on during those inevitable power outages.

Using solar electricity instead of traditional grid-sourced electricity means replacing fossils fuels with an option more in line with Mother Nature herself – one that doesn’t depend on finite resources like coal or oil in order operate optimally. Simply stated, solar energy produces zero dangerous byproducts as an outcome of its generation process, making it infinitely better for people and planet alike.

In many cases, installing and utilizing solar panels for your own home or business can 1) reduce or even eliminate expensive energy bills entirely and 2) offer easy access to any incentives or tax credits that might be offered from local governments across the nation who are encouraging their citizens toward cleaner living environments. Additionally, current studies even suggest that having newly installed photovoltaic panels may actually increase residence/property values!

Beyond making more conscious decisions regarding our daily use of electricity, saving up on expenses meant better spending elsewhere – perhaps investing in a reliable electric vehicle (EV), which tend to get most “miles-per-kilowatt-hour (MPkWh)” when connected directly to a rooftop solar array for charging purposes? Or maybe just taking out some time for ourselves after finally succeeding in eliminating all other forms of utility costs… The possibilities are truly endless!

The green revolution is here whether we like it or not – let us all embrace something worthwhile such as solar energy today; be mindful of our environment and have fun doing it too! Our choice should speak volumes: from conserving natural resources all the way down to preserving our valuable financial savings – let’s all make sure we do everything that matters when it comes to protecting planet Earth because life doesn’t stop at simply turning off the lights anymore!

How many solar panels are needed to power a house in Ireland?

Understanding your energy needs is the first step towards sustainability. Do you live in Ireland and are wondering how many solar panels you’ll need to power your home? We’ve got the answer. For a typical Irish household, you will need between 3-6kW (kilowatt) of photovoltaic system. This is based on an annual electricity consumption of up to 8-10KWh (Kilowatt hours).

Powered by the sun’s rays, solar panels can potentially help homeowners reduce their electricity bills significantly. Every kW of photovoltaic system installed could save approximately €250 – €500 per year in energy bills. Solar panels also have the potential to increase property value and help you become independent from price fluctuations in energy costs.

Installing solar panels isn’t only a great investment for your home; it’s also beneficial for local and global environments. Solar energy produces no emissions or pollutants which helps protect the climate while maintaining clean air quality. Plus, it happens to be the most abundantly available renewable resource on our planet – no wonder it’s becoming increasingly popular!

If you’re looking to get your own solar panel system, seeing how much installation will cost is part of that process. Photovoltaic systems typically include all major components needed, including solar modules; an inverter; mounting racks for installation; interconnection components and electrical wiring for wiring into AC power systems and/or connected to internet devices such as batteries or communication centers. Installing a quality photovoltaic system can be expensive but it pays off in less than ten years usually with long term savings afterwards . To make sure that your chosen provider is legit , make sure to do some extensive research beforehand and compare quotes from other professionals just to secure the best deal possible along with full warranty specifications .

You now know what size PV system you’ll need in order to power up your house with sustainable solar energy as well as how much it’s likely going to cost — so now don’t hesitate any longer! Tapping into this renewable source of green energy provides huge potential savings so go ahead, jumpstart your journey towards true sustainability today and take that next big move forward !

What are the Benefits of Solar Panel (PV) Installation for Homeowners

Residential PV panels have quickly become one of the most popular forms of renewable energy in Ireland. Not only providing an uninterrupted source of sustainable power, but also creating reliable financial incentives that are ideal for homeowners looking to make smart investments.

Even though PV panel installation may seem like a costly endeavor initially, government initiatives such as the SEAI Better Energy Grants scheme provide generous reimbursements to households who participate in this green technology revolution. This grant allowance covers up to 60% of installation costs, making it much more affordable than traditional sources of electricity generation methods. As well as this fantastic opportunity, you can benefit from FITs (feed-in tariffs), which will allow you to make money by selling unused electricity back into the grid! Making residential PV installation the cherry on top of an already sweet deal.

Furthermore, regular maintenance for solar panels is minimal and hassle free – meaning you won’t have to break a sweat when it comes to upkeep or any problems that may arise due to wear and tear over time. The simple inspection schedule means that your investment remains in good condition for years on end! Compared with other renewable energies available in Ireland such as wind turbines and hydropower installations; PV systems have an advantage in terms of ease of use and cost efficiency thanks to their cutting edge technology that continues to grow ever more reliable and efficient each year.

All these factors together combine perfectly with the Independent Grid Operator’s launch towards a zero emissions lifestyle by 2025 – making it more feasible now than ever before while taking us one leap closer towards a greener tomorrow! So what are you waiting for? Make renewables part of your daily routine today with everyone’s favorite eco-friendly solution: residential solar panel (PV) installation in Ireland!

What are the Benefits of Solar PV Panels to Commercial & Industrial Enterprises

Going green isn’t just good for the environment – it’s also great for business. Commercial clients are able to reduce their electricity bills by harnessing the power of solar energy, allowing them to priortize investments into other areas of their operation. Using a reliable installer ensures that your system is up and running quickly with minimal disruption, keeping your ROI high from day one.

As highly experienced PV professionals, our team understands every aspect of installing renewable energy solutions at an affordable price point. Our extensive research into global best practice consultancy allows us to deliver specialist services tailored precisely to each individual customer’s needs. We can spin up ground-breaking projects with amazing urgency and provide maintenance support when needed for maximum uptime performance guarantees.

Ireland has proven itself to be open to new ideas when it comes to renewable energy sources and rewards companies that explore alternative solutions wholeheartedly. Installations in rural or urban areas do not impact any existing infrastructure; instead they improve operational costs while lessening dependency on non-renewable facilities. Businesses can also benefit from tax incentives if they install solar panels before certain deadlines expire, bringing greater financial gains over time if done correctly.

What are the Benefits of Solar PV Panels for Farmers

The benefits of utilizing renewable energy on Irish farms go beyond just financial gains; many have opted for solar panels simply to remain competitive and environmentally conscious in their sector. Low maintenance solar panels are relatively easy to install and come with a number of government incentives, making them increasingly popular as a smart method of engaging with green energy production. Not only does this provide a secure, 24/7 electricity source but also reduces environmental pollution from traditional farming sources such as diesel generators and fossil fuels.

In terms of farming productivity, using agricultural solar PV combines farming sustainability with improved efficiency throughout the entire process; producing higher yields while at the same time having little negative effects on fragile soil or local weather conditions. Similarly, this type of renewable technology can be used for storage purposes which helps keep prices stable even during peak hours when demand surpasses supply capabilities.

With new technology emerging all the time and government regulations leaning heavily towards sustainable practices, it is no surprise that more Irish farmers are investing in photovoltaics than ever before – the facts speak for themselves! With long-term savings potential that significantly outweighs its initial cost outlay being accompanied by favourable policies from local authorities such as reduced output VAT rates, now really is the perfect time to explore what far reaching rewards agricultural solar panel PV could bring you on your farm in Ireland. Get ahead of the curve this springtime and let your farm’s efficiency catch some rays!

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